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Replacement of Corporate Secretary

In order to comply with the Indonesian Stock Exchange Regulation ("BEI") No. 1-E , Regulation BEI No.1-A and Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 35/POJK.04/2014 Concerning Corporate Secretary Issuers or public companies, we hereby inform you that the Corporate Secretary of PT Tri Banyan Tirta Tbk, which was originally Mrs Olivia Martha was replaced by Mr. Januar Pitono. since 7 June 2022.

Hereafter, all Correspondent for the Company Corporate Secretary should be addresed to :


Corporate Secretary PT Tri Banyan Tirta Tbk
Rukan CBD Blok N - No. 12
Jln. Green Lake City Boulevard, Gondrong
Kec. Karang tengah RT. 006 RW. 003
Gondrong - Cipondoh - Tangerang 15148
Phone : 021-5300689

Jakarta, June 6, 2022
Board of Directors


Kp. Pasir Dalem,
RT. RW: 002/002, Babakan Pari
Cidahu, Sukabumi
West Java


Phone: +62 (21) 530 0689